Friday, October 15, 2010

Summer 2010

Hello folks, it's been a while. I have to skip over spring...sorry about that. This summer has been filled to the brim with new and interesting things. In June we took Cason from Shirley's house and moved him into a 3 year old program where Cole went. Cole attended an awesome summer camp where he went on 3 field trips a week. He also started Kindergarden in August. Oh yeah, we also found out we were having number 3 somewhere at the end of June beginning of July..... Cason's last day at Shirleys................
Cole and Cason enjoying July 4th!

Cole's first day at Kindergarden

Cole started tball this fall. Mike is the coach so both are enjoying themselves alot. We finally found the sport Cole loves. He counts down the days before the next practice or game..

Cason started soccer this fall. He's just getting use to it. He's a bit shy and if you know him he's not really that way....